Reflections of Childhood, Parenthood and Loss during Covid”The author takes us on a journey of having her first child and allows us to feel the joys and pain that she feels of becoming a new mother. I enjoyed the stories of her sister and the mishaps of a sister falling out of a car. I cheered the author in purchasing a new home.
The author expresses and writes her book in a modern and fresh way and allows us to cheer and grieve in her pain, especially when the book takes a dark look at the change in her own mother and the uncertainty of COVID in the 21st century.
This book will offer consoles to those becoming mothers for the first time and the emotions that the new changes bring to their lives.-Tony
The author does a great job on bringing up important issues on Latino culture, motherhood, and COVID. The author mentions real issues that impact mothers that happen in everyday life which are often not talked about due to shame. This book has humorous moments that readers will find entertaining as well as be able to relate to, especially coming from a Latino background. Highly recommend this book to all women who think they can't do it all and to those who can do it all. Patricia
It was written in such great detail that I could feel your emotions. As you described each childhood memory and motherhood experience it was deeply touching. There were moments where I felt identified as I had flashbacks thru memory lane. As I wiped my tear away reading this I asked myself if I should continue with the next chapter. I definitely will, but until tomorrow. Karina